New Life Coaching

New Life Coaching brings you confidential and complete coaching services that are specifically designed to help you create a more enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding life, well-being and recovery. Coaching services are targeted to provide you with solution oriented support and assistance in order to help you:
  • Create a compelling vision for your future.
  • Identify, explore and take sustainable actions towards your dreams and life goals.
  • Explore and clarify your personal purpose and mission.
  • Identify your personal values and focus more on what really matters to you.
  • Renew, refresh and re-invigorate your life and recovery whatever stage you are at along the journey.
  • Explore and enhance your inner life and expression (creative, emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual).
  • Explore and deepen your personal creativity so you can fully realise and manifest  it – in whatever form that takes for you.
  • Identify and find  solutions to any blocks and barriers you have to creating the life you want.
  • Develop personal strategies for handling stress.
  • Develop personal strategies, tools and techniques to create a positive, enjoyable and sustainable recovery.
  • Navigate the change & transitions you are facing in your life be it:
  • Transition from treatment back into life and the workplace,
  • Setting new goals and action plans,
  • Re-invigorating your recovery,
  • Creating a new venture.
  • Experiment and identify the things that you love and will create the most fulfilling and rewarding life for you.
  • Improve your work/life balance and enjoyment of life.


Traditionally, addictions services are largely focused on providing detox, primary and secondary care, halfway houses and often do so admirably and with great success.

12 step programmes help a significant proportion of recovering addicts of various kinds with a tried and tested programme for recovery, support, guidance and a powerful community to help get & stay stopped.

One-to-one & Group therapies can also play an important part in treating some of the underlying contributors to addictions/relapse such as trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (and many other conditions), healing past wounds and helping recovering addicts come to terms with being in recovery and help to prevent relapse.

But what then? Many recovering addicts are left more than a little lost, unsure of where they are going, who they are, what they are made up of, how to handle the basic skills of life and build relationships, let alone identifying and creating new dreams and visions to pursue,  unearthing deeper held values & goals and finding creative ways of living life.

Moreover many in recovery are led to relapse from not having the psychological, emotional, physical or spiritual tools and perspectives needed to help create resilient, sustainable and positive lives or fully realize their potential (to be happy).

Executive Coaching

The challenge of re-entering the business world and the stresses of an executive role after treatment (from both substances and processes) can be immense, exciting and frankly occasionally overwhelming.

Transitioning back to work can pose a serious threat of relapse for people unless they have the support network and guidance they need to navigate this change successfully and sustainably.

Understanding how to function and operate effectively in the workplace and take the journey back to a sustainable high-performance career and an enjoyable life, while simultaneously coming to terms with being in recovery and integrating new learning about one self, emotions, relationships and a whole new way of life can be both exhilarating and daunting.

We believe these demands and risks can be significantly eased by working with an executive coach to help you along the way.

Our coaches have all had successful professional careers (in the city, in advertising or with professional services firms), have experienced the process of going through treatment and re-entering executive roles as well as setting up their own businesses and after long term recovery becoming Executive life coaches.

Achilles executive coaches have significant time in sustainable and relapse free recovery (over 10 years) and are on hand to help you re-integrate as smoothly, effectively and enjoyably as possible to create a acceleration back to sustainable high performance helping ensure that your recovery is as safe as can be and your personal or company investment in the treatment process is further protected and your personal potential fulfilled.

The coaching will be led by your own particular context, situation, needs and wants to help ensure a sustainable enjoyable recovery and career success.

Your executive coaching could include creating strategies, goals, learning and plans in some of the following areas:

Career Success Visioning

Visualising and picturing the life you want (career, health, recovery, interests, quality of business relationships…)

  • Identifying and removing blocks and barriers preventing your progress.
  • Setting personal goals to fulfil your dreams.
  • Mining your talents and skills to help you build on strengths to succeed.
  • Exploring different options, solutions and actions that will succeed for you.
  • Implementing your chosen actions, reflecting on results, learning and fine tuning process.

Stress Reduction & Relaxation Techniques

  • Understanding the nature of stress, your personal stressors and what you can do about them.
  • Reduce danger of relapse by learning coping strategies, exercises and techniques to reduce stress and promote relaxation and wellbeing exploring what works best for you.
  • Employ simple, powerful techniques and strategies to build up your personal resilience (emotional, spiritual, psychological, physical and social).

Understanding Change and How to Navigate it

Understanding the positive and negative change curves and how to develop personal strategies to move forward successfully with what you are dealing with at any point in your recovery.

Unleashing Your Personal Creativity

  • Igniting, inspiring and unleashing your own individual creativity.
  • Breaking through personal creative blocks and barriers.
  • Identifying, understanding and amalgamating vital different factors to create innovate and implementable solutions.
  • Brainstorming & idea generating techniques.
  • Developing and achieving your own Creative Vision.

Communication & Interpersonal Skills Training

3 on 1 coaching! – You have up to 3 coaches working with you personally (plus actors to role play scenarios) helping you:

  • Handle any & every kind of communication and any kind of situation you may find yourself  in.
  • Overcome personal blocks and barriers.
  • Have greater influence and impact.
  • Handle difficult situations, people and diffuse conflict.
  • Prepare yourself for meetings & presentations.
  • Develop your personal confidence &  impact.
  • Improve your personal impact – gravitas and levitas, the laws of physical expression, shadow movement, physical tempo, and pitching energy levels are all addressed.
  • Enhance your presentation skills – physical and vocal agility.
  • Develop communications strategies, tactics and skills.
  • Identify and deal positively with different psychological types – understanding how you can best relate to them.
  • Deepen your emotional Intelligence – deep listening, building rapport, empathy and sensitivity.
  • Free your body Language.
  • Develop feeling and conditions of trust, safety, honesty and integrity.
  • Handle difficulties and conflict effectively learning how to deal with black holes, sceptics, critics, invisibles, under-miners and jokers.
  • Overcoming blocks and barriers – to achieve your peak performance.
  • Adaptability –Improving your improvisation, flexibility, creativity and spontaneity.

3 to 1 Communication and Interpersonal Skills Coaching/Training uses a variety of techniques including:

  • Coaching by a voice and movement specialist (who has coached Colin Firth & Tom Fassbinder amongst others).
  • The application of leading method acting techniques to help you reach your communication goals (by one of the UK’s leading  acting coaches who has worked internationally with politicians, ambassadors & film stars).
  • Feedback from a creative business coach to help you create appropriate interpersonal strategies.
  • Working with actors to create individual role plays to help you learn new skills and insights to help you handle any and every situation.

COACHING is offered in 6 session packages. Some sessions are available as group sessions.

3 to 1 Communications & Interpersonal Skills Training is individually tailored for you and is usually created as a result of a specific request or need identified during one-to-one coaching.

Sessions are an hour long (if required can be longer). For an intensive schedule, full day back to back sessions can be booked on request as a pack. Sessions are generally offered at our Central London premises. Additionally, they are also possible on location in companies and internationally.

We also run 1-day and 2-day small group workshops on a variety of related topics including Life Visioning, Stress Relaxation, Navigating Change as well as a series of ‘Writers in Recovery’ Workshops.

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